We have released HHVM 3.4.0, the first minor point release after our HHVM 3.3.0 LTS. This branch contains updates from our T-Pain, Ultramagnetic, Vanilla Ice and Will.i.am internal releases.

HHVM 3.4 releases

Here are some of the highlights of this release:

You can read the full NEWS for a highlight of all of the diffs that contributed to this release. There were 927 commits from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0.

Enjoy and, of course, file an issue or chat with us on IRC #hhvm if you run into any problems.


  • Rob: I have recently upgraded HHVM from 3.3.0 LTS to 3.4.0 on my ubuntu server and now I am having massive memory leaks. How can I downgrade to 3.3.0 LTS again?
  • Joel Marcey: Hi Rob, Can you give us some more specifics about what type of memory leaks you are seeing? We have been working hard on memory lately and want to know places we possibly missed. File an issue at https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues Did you `apt-get hhvm` to upgrade? I would think you could `apt-get install hhvm=3.3` (or something like that), although I haven't tried that before. You might want to go on #hhvm on Freenode IRC to see if other users have tried a downgrade. I normally build from master.
  • Aftab Naveed: How do we upgrade from 3.3.1 to HHVM 3.4.1 using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ? Thank you
  • Release 820: New HHVM version: 3.4.2! - Hypernode Knowledge Base: […] Also see the Facebook blog about the new HHVM release. […]