HHVM 4.47 is released! This release marks the end of support for 4.41; HHVM 4.42–4.46 remain supported, as do the 4.8 and 4.32 LTS releases.


  • We’re looking to help people migrate towards strictness! Part of that is a series of .hhconfig flags:
    • ignored_fixme_codes: a comma delimited list of error codes (4110, 2071, etc.) that allow you to gradually forbid HH_FIXMEs in your codebase. Hack will ignore any HH_FIXME or HH_IGNORE_ERROR with the specified codes. An empty list is the default, meaning only the hardcoded unfixmeable codes (see default_ignored_fixme_codes in errors.ml) are forbidden.
    • disallowed_decl_fixmes: a comma delimited list of error codes (4110, 2071, etc.) that allow you to gradually forbid HH_FIXMEs in your codebase. Hack will ignore any HH_FIXME or HH_IGNORE_ERROR outside of the body of a function with the specified codes. Declaration-level FIXMEs tend to obscure more errors than intended, so tend to be more important to fix up.
    • error_codes_treated_strictly: a comma delimited list of error codes (4110, 2071, etc.) that allow you to gradually forbid HH_FIXMEs in your codebase. Partial mode files accept a number of errors that are not allowed in strict mode. If an error is in this list, we will report it as an error—even in a partial mode file. Not every error and position can be reported clearly though. Certain errors (like missing types) can cascade into other code, yielding other error codes or being hidden by partial mode. Still, this list can provide a means to incrementally fix things in partial mode files without strictifying the whole file. The default is an empty list, which uses the normal partial/strict modes.

Breaking Changes

  • Trying to declare a function, constant, or enum type with the same name as a preceding use function, use const, or use type declaration is now a parser error.
    • It had already been a runtime error.
    • This makes the behavior consistent with classes, where it was already a parser error.
  • namespace is now a reserved keyword, trying to use it as an identifier will result in a parser error.
    • It had already been a runtime error.
  • HHVM_VERSION_ID is now XXYYYZZ instead of XXYYZZ.
    • This preserves compatibility for comparisons using </>, but breaks any code trying to parse HHVM_VERSION_ID into individual parts.
    • Use the new constants HHVM_VERSION_MAJOR, HHVM_VERSION_MINOR, HHVM_VERSION_PATCH (added in HHVM 4.42) instead of parsing the value.

Future Changes

  • Support for XHP children declarations will be removed.
    • The XHPChildValidation trait from xhp-lib v3.1 should be used instead, see HHVM 4.46 release notes for more information and migration instructions.
    • New .hhconfig option disable_xhp_children_declarations=true can be used to get the future behavior now.