HHVM 4.68 is released! This release marks the end of support for 4.61; HHVM 4.62–4.67 remain supported, as do the 4.32 and 4.56 LTS releases.


  • Hack no longer reports duplicate errors when an invalid type constant is referenced from another type constant.

Breaking Changes

  • The array type has been completely removed from HHVM. All arrays are now either varray or darray, which are treated as separate incompatible types by both the typechecker and the runtime.
    • In recent HHVM versions, it had already been impossible to create array values that are neither varray or darray from Hack code, but some built-in functions could still return them. These have all been migrated to return varray or darray now.
    • The type varray_or_darray with either one or two generic parameters can be used to migrate code that needs to accept/return both types of arrays. However, using Container or KeyedContainer is usually preferable for any code that is intended to work with multiple array-like types.
    • Migrating array type annotations to varray_or_darray is guaranteed to be safe in HHVM 4.68. In previous HHVM versions, it is safer to use <<__Soft>> varray_or_darray, as it is possible to have array values that are neither varray nor darray, depending on the exact INI options.
    • Migrating array type annotations to varray and darray (or even vec and dict) might be preferable, but it may cause runtime errors, possibly undetected by the typechecker (for values coming from untyped code including some built-ins). You can use <<__Soft>> to turn these errors into warnings.
    • Automated migrations for array type annotations are available in HHAST v4.64.4.
  • The built-in functions each, next, prev were removed. Any other built-ins that use arrays’ “internal iterator” (current, key, reset, end) will also be removed soon.
    • Additional iterators and related classes were removed:
      • all methods of ArrayIterator other than current, key, next, rewind, valid
      • AppendIterator
      • CachingIterator
      • CallbackFilterIterator
      • LimitIterator
      • MultipleIterator
      • ParentIterator
      • RecursiveArrayIterator
      • RecursiveCachingIterator
      • RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
      • RecursiveTreeIterator
      • SplFixedArray
      • SplObjectStorage
  • Attempting to merge arrays using the + or += operators now throws an exception. It had already been a typechecker error.
    • In recent HHVM versions, you can use the INI options hhvm.hack_arr_compat_notices=true and hhvm.hack_arr_compat_check_array_plus=true to raise a notice.
  • Fixed the position at which the typechecker reports an error for a missing type constant. This may require some HH_FIXMEs to be moved.
  • Using meth_caller with a trait now raises a typechecker error. Runtime behavior hasn’t changed, HHVM currently allows constructing such meth_caller but throws an exception when the method call is invoked.
  • By default, HHVM now raises a warning for any switch statements where none of the cases matched the provided value. In the future, this will be changed to throw an exception.
    • A default branch should be added to any switch statements that intentionally don’t cover all possible cases.
    • Use the INI option hhvm.throw_on_non_exhaustive_switch=0 to temporarily disable this warning, or hhvm.throw_on_non_exhaustive_switch=2 to enable the future behavior now (throw an exception).
  • By default, HHVM no longer allows user-defined error handlers to silence the errors when function return type annotations are violated.
    • This is only relevant if the INI option hhvm.php7.engine_exceptions is set to false. If this option is true (default), return type violations throw a TypeError which can be caught, but it is never possible to continue execution in the same scope.
    • The INI option hhvm.check_return_type_hints can be used to temporarily reduce this to a recoverable error or a warning, but this option will be removed in the future.
  • By default, HHVM now raises a warning if any type annotations on properties (static and instance variables) are violated. In the future, this will be changed to throw an exception.
  • Generic type parameters with upper bounds (TFoo as FooBaseClass), when used as function parameter or return types, will now raise a warning if the upper bound is violated. This had already been a typechecker error, but previously ignored at runtime.
    • Note that only the upper bound is enforced at runtime, so code shouldn’t rely on any assumptions stronger than that. In the above example, HHVM will enforce that TFoo is an instance of some subclass of FooBaseClass, but can’t enforce that it matches the exact type of TFoo in the given context, as generic types are erased at runtime.
    • Use the INI option hhvm.enforce_generics_ub=0 to temporarily disable this warning, or hhvm.enforce_generics_ub=2 to enable the future behavior now (throw an exception).
  • The INI option hhvm.forbid_thrift_integer_values_out_of_range (used by the Thrift extension) has been removed.

Future Changes

  • Arrays will soon no longer maintain an “internal iterator”, which should reduce their memory usage. Any built-ins that depend on the internal iterator are either already removed (each, next, prev) or will be removed soon (current, key, reset, end).
    • Most users of these iteration APIs can be rewritten with foreach loops, and would be much faster to boot. For cases that can’t be converted this way, you can use Vec\keys($array) to get an array of keys and vec($array) to get an array of values and use a for loop over indices for these two arrays.
  • The INI options mentioned above are expected to have stricter defaults and/or be removed completely in the future:
    • hhvm.throw_on_non_exhaustive_switch
    • hhvm.check_return_type_hints
    • hhvm.check_prop_type_hints
    • hhvm.enforce_generics_ub