HHVM 3.25.3, HHVM 3.24.7, and 3.21.11
These releases contain several bugfixes:
- CVE-2018-6335: potential DoS in Proxygen’s handling of HTTP2 header padding
- CVE-2018-5711: PHP Bug #75571: Potential infinite loop in gdImageCreateFromGifCtx()
- PHP Bug #73957: signed integer conversion in imagescale()
- CVE-2017-10989, CVE-2017-13685, CVE-2017-15286, CVE-2018-8740: multiple issues in SQLite
- several portability improvements have been backported to ease building LTS branches on MacOS
- we are now packaging 3.24 and 3.25 for Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)