HHVM 3.27 is released! This version has long-term support, and contains performance, IDE, typechecker, and other improvements:

  • HackC is now the only supported frontend; the legacy parser is still included, but it is unsupported, and we expect it to be removed in 3.28
  • Shapes::removeKey() now takes the shape as an inout parameter instead of by reference
  • await and yield are now permitted in finally blocks
  • key types for Generators are now covariant instead of invariant
  • removed XDebug support. The VSCode Debug Protocol should be used instead
  • removed the ODBC extension
  • added forward_compatibility_level option to .hhconfig to make managing upgrades easier.
  • improved PHP support in HackC
  • support sealed interfaces and classes, and seal the collection hierarchy when when enable_experimental_tc_features in .hhconfig contains sealed_clases. This bans extending the built-in Container and KeyedContainer classes, and we expect this to be required in 3.28
  • disallow comparisons between incompatible types in Hack code when disallow_unsafe_comparisons=true is set in .hhconfig. We expect this to be required in 3.28
  • enforce that container keys are arraykeys in Hack code when disallow_non_arraykey_keys=true is set in .hhconfig. We expect this to be required in 3.28, and was already a runtime error if non-array keys were actually used.
  • require that subclasses in partial files specify the types of properties that override parent classes properties with types when decl_override_require_hint=true is set in .hhconfig
  • ban always-true and always-false Shapes::keyExists() checks when enable_experimental_tc_features in .hhconfig contains shape_field_check.
  • Shapes::keyExist() now refines the type when used as a condition
  • improved detection of sketchy null checks (for example, $nullable_string ? $foo : $bar is now detected), and always-false identity checks (e.g. $not_nullable === null or $int === $string).
  • add varray<T> and darray<Tk, Tv> types; these should be considered aliases for array<T> and array<Tk, Tv>, and are used as an implementation detail of some internals. Hack code should continue to use the vec<T>, keyset<T>, and dict<Tk, Tv> types instead.
  • the new LSP standard relatedInformation field is now used for Hack errors, providing more detailed diagnostic information in editors such as Visual Studio Code
  • support renaming symbols in LSP editors via textDocument/rename
  • support symbol lists in LSP editors via textDocument/documentSymbol
  • fixed several edge cases for PHP7 strict_types leading to crashes or unexpected TypeErrors
  • add untrusted_mode option to .hhconfig. When true, it is intended to be safe to run hh_client or hh_server --check $(pwd) on potentially malicious code: hh_server will fail early if dangerous options are also set. If you find issues with this feature, or any other security issue in HHVM or Hack, please report them via Facebook’s Whitehat (Bug Bounty) Program.

Lifecycle and Release Schedule

We have released 3.27 two weeks ahead of schedule - we expect future releases to follow the original schedule. To reduce issues:

  • 3.27’s end of support is not changing: it will end support when 3.33 is released (expected 2019-09-05). This means that it is supported for approximately 50 weeks instead of the usual 48
  • 3.26 will remain supported until the original expected release date of 3.27 in two weeks (2018-07-02)
  • 3.28 is still expected on 2018-08-27 - in ~ 10 weeks.

Sealed Classes and Interfaces

This feature is currently opt-in, though we expect it to be mandatory in 3.28.

Sealed classes/interfaces are only able to be directly extended/implemented by a whitelist of classes and/or interfaces - though, those subclasses can be extended arbitrarily unless they are final or also sealed. In this way, sealing provides a single-level restraint on inheritance.

Classes/interfaces are sealed by providing a whitelist of classnames to the __Sealed attribute:

<<__Sealed(Some::class, None::class)>>
abstract class Option<T> {
  abstract function get(): T;

final class Some<T> extends Option<T> {
  public function __construct(
    private T $value,
  ) {}
  public function get(): T {
    return $this->value;

final class None<T> extends Option<T> {
  public function get(): T {

final class Few<T> extends Option<T> {}

How do I use the __Sealed attribute?

Attach it to a class/interface and specify classnames that may extend/implement it. These must be of the form Foo::class.

What is the typechecker/runtime behavior?

Extending/implementing a sealed class/interface with a class/interface not in the whitelist will raise both a typechecker and runtime error.

There is no runtime enforcement for sealing of the collection interfaces in 3.27, in order to keep sealed classes opt-in in this release. We expect runtime enforcement for these collection interfaces in 3.28.

What can I seal?

Only classes and interfaces may be sealed — traits and enums may not. Further, traits may presently not implement sealed interfaces. We expect full support for traits in the future, both for sealing them and for implementing/using sealed interfaces/traits.

Can I seal final classes?

Sealing a final class will raise a typechecker error and parse error at runtime, as that would be redundant.

Can I extend non-final classes that extend a sealed class (or implement a sealed interface)?

Yes. Sealing only applies to direct extension.

When should I use this feature?

Sparingly, if ever—your classes should be final whenever possible! Potential use cases for this feature include preventing new instances of a deprecated class from being added, or for simulating ADTs as demonstrated above.

Why was this feature added?

The collection interfaces were only intended for internal implementations, and it has been unsafe to create custom implementations of the collection interfaces since they were introduced; however, users have implemented them, leading to unexpected and undefined behavior.


This option exists to make it easier to upgrade to new versions of HHVM and Hack, however it is only a temporary migration aid - it does not allow permanently opting out of changes, and decreases the safety of your code.

forward_compatibility_level can be set to a valid release number (such as 3.27), a date as an integer (e.g. 20180618), or omitted. Dates are intended to be used for incrementally supporting features as they’re added to nightly builds. For each release, the branch cut date is equivalent; for example, “forward_compatibility_level=3.27” is equivalent to “forward_compatibility_level=20180604”.


This option suppresses errors - it does not restore old behavior, and may raise fewer errors. This means that:

  • code that typechecks on 3.26 should typecheck on 3.27 if forward_compatibility_level=3.26
  • code that typechecks on 3.27 with forward_compatibility_level=3.26 might be invalid under 3.26


If set to the current release or newer, there is no change in behavior.

If set to older than the current release, a warning will be reported, but the exit status of hh_client and hh_server will be 0. Some other Hack errors might not be raised that would be without this warning. For example, hh_client in 3.27 reports a warning if set to 3.26.

If set to older than the previous release, an error will be reported, and hh_client and hh_server will exit with non-zero status, like any other error. For example, hh_client in 3.28 will report an error if set to 3.26.

Intended Use

This option is intended for short-term use, to allow resolving issues when new releases raise errors with circular dependencies, or when doing a staged roll-out of a new version. The option should be removed as soon as possible.

Additionally, it can be used to detect unintentional backwards-incompatible changes in Hack, especially when testing against nightly builds.

Summary of Opt-In Features

The following .hhconfig features are opt-in, and we expect them to be required behavior in 3.28:
